I'm Muhammad Okfriansyah

a Fullstack Developer


I'm a technical leader of paymet product at DOKU

My Skills.


I started learning java back when i'm in college around 2008 - 2012. After i graduating, i chose java for my main programming language. I started using it when its still in jdk 6. And now after 8 years passed, i'm learning on using java 11.


Spring make our life easier as a programmer with its springboot framework magic. Annotations. Thanks to that, Java evolving into a functional programming. I also still learning this framework in its stable version, 2.2.5.


I learn this framework for gaining my skill on the front end side. If you see at a state of Js , while its trend is going down every year. Its still got its fair share in the top 5. Which is good for the future reference. I take Udemy course for learning it.


My first impression of swift is , easy to learn. I learn this language when i'm still a student at Apple Developer Academy Indonesia. In Academy, we learn on how to become a world class developer in 9 month. Apple use CBL as they learning methodology. We must overcome the challenge given by the facilitator. Not only code challenge, but also design, create a product, finding solutions, market research, and so much more.

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Lets play some games on the weekend

If you hard on yourself, life will be easier for you. But dont forget to play some games too.